Painting and Manuscript Illuminations
For more information visit my website.

I am a Catholic artist and I live in London with my husband David.

My art illustrates stories of the Saints or Biblical scenes.

I am passionate about using the same traditional methods and materials that monks would have used in monasteries in the early church and medieval period. I paint in egg tempera and often make my own pigments from rocks, by washing and grinding them in a pestle and mortar. I like to make my own gesso boards. These processes enable me to engage more deeply by becoming aware of the ways the material world can be used for the glory of God.

I like re-creating manuscript illuminations from the Book of Kells and Lindisfarne Gospels. I find I am able to connect to eternal truth and wisdom by observing geometric forms in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon patterns. I enjoy working with gold leaf and using traditional tools.

I also work in oil, making my own paints using natural pigments.

David provides loving support and artistic direction.

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